Frequently Asked Questions

Your questions answered.

  • Complete the contact form and I will reach out to you to complete the intake paperwork. Then we'll schedule your first appointment!

    You can also request a free 15-minute consultation here.

  • I am considered out-of-network with all insurance plans to keep your treatment in your hands. I am happy to provide a superbill monthly so you can utilize your out-of-network benefits but this does require a diagnosis. At this time, individuals with Medicaid/Medicare are not elligible for reimbursement.

    Additionally, I created this document to help support you navigate your out-of-network benefits: Navigating Your Out-of-Network Benefits.

    If you want to read more about my decision not to accept health insurance, you can do so here.

  • Yes! A limited amount of spots are held for sliding-scale clients. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need support. If all spots are full, I can place you on a waitlist or refer you to a trusted clinician in your area.

  • At this time I offer services for adults ages 18 and up.

  • I have undergone extensive training in this area and my clinical skills have been refined to treat these issues. If you have another issue I would be happy to refer you to a trusted colleague who specializes in your area.

  • While no therapy is a guarantee and also requires effort outside of sessions, I can tell you that I have seen countless clients thrive and flourish after feeling just as hopeless as you might be feeling.

Have a different question?
Reach out to me today.