“There is a wisdom in trauma when we realize that our traumatic responses and imprints are not ourselves and that we can work them through, and thus become our true selves.”

- Gabor Maté

What I do.

How do I know if I’m struggling?

    • Do you often find yourself thinking about a distressing event, even when you don’t want to?

    • Do you have nightmares or flashbacks about what happened?

    • Do you avoid places or activities that remind you of the traumatic event?

    • Do you feel numb or disconnected from people and activities you used to enjoy?

    • Are you easily startled, or do you feel constantly on guard?

    • Do you have trouble sleeping or concentrating?

    • Do you experience intense emotional reactions, such as anger or sadness, when reminded of the event?

    • Do you often feel responsible for other people's happiness or problems?

    • Do you have difficulty saying no, even when you are overwhelmed?

    • Do you find it hard to recognize or express your own needs and feelings?

    • Do you feel anxious or guilty when you prioritize your own needs?

    • Do you stay in relationships that are harmful or one-sided because you fear being alone?

    • Do you have trouble making decisions without seeking approval or validation from others?

    • Do you often feel taken advantage of or unappreciated in your relationships?

    • Do you feel like your worth is tied to how much you can help or care for others?

    • Do you feel like you can’t do anything right in your partner’s eyes?

    • Do you find yourself constantly apologizing or trying to avoid conflict?

    • Do you feel isolated from friends, family, or support networks?

    • Do you feel like you’re walking on eggshells to avoid upsetting your partner?

    • Do you question your own memory or perception because of your partner’s denial or manipulation?

    • Do you feel controlled or restricted in your financial, social, or personal life?

    • Do you feel worthless, belittled, or demeaned by your partner’s words or actions?

    • Do you feel pressured into sexual activities against your will?

    • Do you experience physical harm or threats of violence?

Inspiring you to heal from trauma using therapy

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.